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CodeSelect Consulting provides Data Warehouse and database development solutions to clients across a range of market sectors.

Bringing Meaning to Data

Working with clients in sectors as diverse as the Lloyds Insurance market and manufacturing, we deliver solutions that allow clients to bring meaning to the information stored in their databases and use it to build a more profitable future.

Lloyds of London

Our Services

Our services are focussed in the Business Intelligence arena - From Data Warehouse design and ETL build to report design and intranet application design, we provide bespoke solutions that deliver value to clients and give a performance edge in today's competitive marketplace.

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Our Philosophy

Pragmatic and professional. Today's business needs are often too complex for a traditional "tender ... design ... build" approach. We prefer to get to know our clients' businesses a little better and work with them using prototyping and rapid feedback cycles to deliver ongoing progress towards what they really need.


About CodeSelect

A company founded to give better value for clients, we minimise administrative overhead by engaging employees who can be trusted to use initiative and deliver what is required for our clients.

Partnership to Deliver

As a Microsoft Registered Partner, CodeSelect Consulting provides expertise in delivering customised solutions based on powerful Microsoft technologies.

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